Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this training, the student will be able to:

  • The student will be able to define words associated with suicide.

  • The student will be able to recite important statistics regarding suicides.

  • The student will be able to list risk factors and warning signs of a suicidal person.

  • The student will be able to describe the caller’s potential emotional state.

  • The student will be able to list ways to effectively handle suicidal callers.

  • The student will be able to process a call from a suicidal person.

  • The student will be able to relate instructions for a person reporting a completed suicide.

Course Content

    1. Course Information

    2. Learning Objectives

    3. Suicidal Callers Worksheet

    1. Introduction

    2. Eros vs Thanatos

    3. Knowledge Checkpoint

    1. Terminology

    2. Suicide Contagion

    3. Knowledge Checkpoint

    1. Statistics

    2. Increasing Suicide Rates

    3. Knowledge Checkpoint

    1. Warning Signs

    2. Warning Signs

    3. Knowledge Checkpoint

    1. Handling Callers

    2. Dispatcher Texts Woman Out of Suicide

    3. Knowledge Checkpoint

About this course

  • Free
  • 27 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content